Please use your mobile phone to open page and try to add product to the basket. First clik "add to basket"/"dodaj do koszyka" button make only highlighted button. You have to click one more time in the same button (highlighted) to add to basket. Can it works on mobile like on desktop only with single click?
I can't add products on main page on mobiles.
Hi Stormfun,
We're sorry but we don't understand. Could you please explain in more detail and take some screenshots?
Best regards,
Naik - Lightatend Team
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Our support time Monday-Saturday (9am-6pm GMT+7)
Please use your mobile phone to open page and try to add product to the basket. First clik "add to basket"/"dodaj do koszyka" button make only highlighted button. You have to click one more time in the same button (highlighted) to add to basket. Can it works on mobile like on desktop only with single click?
Are you using IOS system?
We have check it with Android system and it's one click to add product to basket.
Best regards,
Naik - Lightatend Team
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Our support time Monday-Saturday (9am-6pm GMT+7)
Yes I am using IOS (iphone - 2 click) on iPad is one click
We will fix and help you asap!
Enjoy the rest of the day!
Best regards,
Naik - Lightatend Team
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Our support time Monday-Saturday (9am-6pm GMT+7)
We have removed the hover effect on the mobile phone.
You can add to cart with one touch.
Please check it without cache(safari cache)
Best regards,
Naik - Lightatend Team
A good review and positive comment would help us to keep doing what we do best Rate now
Our support time Monday-Saturday (9am-6pm GMT+7)
It is much better but still You have to click twice. Can it be only single click
Please check again.
Best regards,
Naik - Lightatend Team
A good review and positive comment would help us to keep doing what we do best Rate now
Our support time Monday-Saturday (9am-6pm GMT+7)